Research Topics

"Camerini d'alabastro"

Camerini d'alabastro was one of the rooms of Alfonso ... palace in Rome next to the ducal palace. For this room he had 5 paintings painted one by Dosso Dossi, one by Boticelli and three by Titian. Two of the Titians painting would later be the inspiration for Rubens' Worship of Venus and The Andrians. The differences and simmilarities between these paintings made them an ideal subject to investigate the styles of the Renaissance and the Baroque.
If you want to know more about these paintings and the colors that connect these paintings and set them appart. Than click below to learn more.

Camerini d'alabastro

Paintings by Venitian Artists

This dataset has 223 paintings from Venitian painters. The images and their metadata come from four institution: The Metropolitan Museum of art, The Cleveland Art Institute, The Chicago Art Institute and SMK museum.

Venitian Paintings

Paintings by Florentine Artists

This dataset has around 100 paintings from Florentine painters. The data comes from four institution: The Metropolitan Museum of art, The Cleveland Art Institute, The Chicago Art Institute and SMK museum.

Florentine Paintings