
Lara Peeters is a graduate of the KU Leuven in art history and Digital humanities. This website a result of her master theses in both degrees. The project started from a fork of the open source palette extractor of google which would not only find prominent colors but also looked at the presence of their complementary colors. Lara learned Java Script in just a few weeks to understand the original code and to adjust it. For her master in Digital humanities she would expand on this forked application and build websites around it with parts of her research in art history. The website is a flask application build with python. The underlying data of the web application is managed in postgreSQL database. The website also relies on external data from museums available through an API connection. The Search function on the website is supported by an elasticsearch server.

I have expertise in python, JavaScript, postgreSQL, HTML, CSS, linked open data. I am currently employed by the UGent as a technico scientific collaborator helping scientist with the use of the High Performance Cluster of the VSC (Vlaams Supercomputer Center) of which the compute cluster is currently running at UGent.

If you are working in the humanities and looking for tips or help with your project, someone to manage your data, set up a website and much more. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the e-mail address lara@edba.be.

More information can be found at Vlaams Supercomputer Center at Ugent or HPC UGent Tier 1 Hortense